Programme Overview
Programme Specific Overview
Welcome Drink will be held at the Foyers of the Hotel VIP EXECUTIVE Zurique (conference venue)
Conference Banquet will be served at the nearby Hotel VIP EXECUTIVE Grand Lisboa (2 minutes walk)

Time slots:
Plenary Lecture: 60 min. (45 min. + 15 min. discussion)
Keynote Lecture: 40 min. (30 min. + 10 min. discussion)
Regular presentation: 20 min. (15 min. + 5 min. discussion)
* InDEStruct session starts after the afternoon coffee break, but ends later than parallel sessions.
Instructions for recording remote presentations
Check the Detailed programme
There is no conference template for presentations, participants are fee to use their own.
It will not be possible to run presentations directly from personal laptops, all presentations must be transferred to the desktop in the corresponding presentation room.

Specific Sessions and Workshops
Specific session to be included at the end of the first conference day, more information can provide Prof. Atul Bhaskar.

Workshop to be included at the end of the last conference day.
Templates for elaboration
pdf and pptx

Postconference workshop on Vibration Energy Harvesting - closed
in the frame of WMVC 2022 Lisbon
organized by
Prof. Grzegorz Litak, Prof. Piotr Wolszczak and Dr. Bartlomiej Ambrozkiewicz
Plan of the workshop
*a presentation of 1h by prof. Grzegorz Litak "Vibration Energy Harvesting: Modelling and Simulations" (this would include downloading Matlab codes by participants to individual simulations)
*poster session organized by Dr Bartlomiej Ambrozkiewicz and prof. Piotr Wolszczak (this would include the posters which would be uploaded on the web-page of ehDIALOG [eHDialog - Energy harvesting - Lublin University of Technology,] and short presentation-invitation to each poster by the authors within max 5 minutes in a hybrid form.
The best poster will be selected with an award of one week visit to the Energy Harvesting Laboratory at Lublin University of Technology, Poland).
Announcement in pdf